Ill Prepared to handle American Emergencies

The Current Washington Administration is Ill Prepared to handle American Emergencies.
American tend to externalize inner hostility by Projecting, and exporting war.
Note that the war is always fought on Foreign Soil.
The American view of being a Global Elite is unhelpful.
We externalize a hostilities.As we did in the longest running American War in Iraq. It was created by a Republican adminstation.
A war with no plan, or end.

A good example was this was our adoption of the war in Vietnam.
Our adoption of the Vietnam French war, was ill advised to say the least.
One reason we can't deal with the current Corona-19 virus outbreak is that we have never been invaded in modern times, save for 9/11. This is very atypical for an agressive nation.

We externally our internal American hostility, look at the last three Republican Presidents.
We are unable to adjust to being attacked. Where is the power of Reason?
Or calm discussion with those who we may not agree.
The recent phrase by Trump "I am a War President," as if has qualifications in this area.
Need I say more?

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