Chapter 1
From my years of dedicated guitar teaching and deep study of human nature, I've come to this conclusion:
Nowadays people long for life in the "Fast Lane".
They don't save.
They don't conserve.
They don't "Stop at the Red and Go at the Green."
They RUSH THROUGH all the important warnings!
Lately we demand Instant Gratification. We don't wait for Tradition.
Or First Things First.
We take a book like this and try to skip right to the INTERESTING parts--the neat little tunes with the funny names!
But you can't just play these terrific tunes right away! They're hard. You have to work up to them.
When most people confront this harsh truth, they get frustrated. They might even get cranky.
Some might even take it out on this manual, and start cursing it, and maybe cursing ME out, too!
Well, I don't like this one little bit.
So listen you students, let's nip this infantile behavior right in the bud.
here's how I'll handle this rebelliousness:
Now how are you going to READ these great tunes within?
I've transcribed all the pieces in this book in BOTH:
Most of you probably don't read music well (hah!), or at all.
If you play guitar, we can bet on this. Reading Traditional Music Notation For The
Guitar is NOT easy.
You don't have to be dyslexic to have tried it more than once
and failed!
Since many of you may not be sure which you'll use to learn these pieces, I've written out the
"Getting Started" Chapter 4 in Siamese-Twin fashion (with
standard music and tablature sort of joined at the hip).
Those of you out there who haven't studied with me personally (poor souls) should
review both
the chapters on Traditional Notation and Tablature, unless you'requite familiar with one of these systems.
Then use the system that works for you.
By the way, there's also a cassette tape available of these pieces. See the Appendix
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